Grundy County Shows Signs of Budget Improvement
Going into the 2017 budget meeting, the Grundy County board expected to be working with a $2 million deficit. However, after voting 12 to 3 to approve a proposed $34.5 million budget the expected deficit now stands at $700,000.
Board Chairman Chris Balkema expressed his optimism by stating, “I’m very excited about the actions we are taking in Grundy County to improve efficiency while increasing the quality of services to our residents. All of our leaders are working well together and I know that we will continue to make progress by casting a long-term vision for the County.”
The deficit will mostly come from the loss of sales tax revenue related to a loophole in the Counties tax laws that was challenged in court by the Regional Transportation Authority and is no longer allowed. This "point of sale" loophole allowed local businesses to build purchasing centers in the more tax friendly Grundy County to avoid some taxes in Will County, which was legal.
The total revenue loss for the end of this loophole will cost the county around $2 million a year. The revenue is expected to be made up in new cannabis possession and towing fines that can now be levied.
The deficit is still not where the county would like, according to officials, but the signs are pointing in a positive direction after the lower than expected deficit this coming year.