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The Year of Service

Photo by: The Common Application

It is no coincidence that the University of St. Francis always has a theme for their school year based on Franciscan values. USF wants to remember the values their school was built on and keep them in mind from year to year. This year, USF is honoring the “Year of Service.”

To the St. Francis community, service is second nature. Father Terry, a chaplain at the University of St. Francis, explains, “While this is the year of service, we always have a year in service at USF.” Student’s at the university are always committed to serving others and their community, locally, nationally and universally. Many USF students often donate their time at the local Daybreak Center, an operation run by Catholic Charities, which is open 24-hours a day, 365 days a year providing emergency housing and supportive services to individuals and families who are homeless.

Students within the university are known for spending their fall and spring break volunteering in different areas across the United States. Nazareth Farm is a Catholic community in rural West Virginia that transforms lives through a service retreat experience; Students at USF attend this eye-opening experience every Fall. USF even volunteers worldwide. Every few years, USF also organizes a mission trip to Bolivia, where students volunteer at various work sites including hospitals, daycare centers and orphanages.

It is important to remember, service is not about the amount or type of work you do. Acts of service can be as simple spending time with a friend or stranger in need, picking up trash throughout the community or helping another with a physical task. Students at St. Francis want to encourage members in the community to spend time volunteering this year and reflect on how the experience changes your perspective.

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