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Will County Health Department Remains Open Despite Shutdown and Construction

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On Monday January 2, the Will County Health Department issued a press release stating the federal government shutdown was not affecting the women, infants and children (WIC) food and nutrition service programs.

"We are open for business as usual," said WIC Coordinator Pat Krause in the release. "The USDA Food and Nutrition Service has assured us that all eligible households should continue to receive WIC services and food benefits as usual."

Krause also mentioned that the preparations for construction of the new Will County Health Department Building in Joliet, located on 501 Ella Avenue, are also not limiting services. “WIC clients are still able to park in the WIC parking lot (just off Neal Avenue), and there are openings for new clients. Walk-ins are welcome,” said Krause.

Much of the parking will be relocated to side streets and other public parking near the facility. Health Department Executive Director Sue Olenek urged patients and clients to follow all posted signs to other visitor parking lots and become familiar with these options during construction.

“This will certainly be challenging, but we are thanking all Will County Health Department visitors for their understanding and patience,” said Olenek in an interview with The Herald News. “We are very committed to continuing services for all our clients, patients and customers. The end result will be a brand-new, state-of-the-art, purpose-built building. It will be well worth the effort.”

The new estimated $25 million health department facility will house the Will County Health Department’s Administrative, Behavioral Health, Environmental Health and Family Health Services Divisions as well as the Will County TB Clinic.

According to an article on The Herald News website, the Three Rivers Construction Alliance, Will and Grundy Counties Building Trades Council and Leopardo Inc. are all set to work on the new additions to the facility.

Anyone with questions, or who might be having difficulties at the grocery store where they usually purchase their WIC food items, can call the WCHD WIC Program at 815-727-8524.

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