Will County's Forest Preserve Volunteer Workdays
The Forest Preserve District of Will County is a non-profit government agency that relies upon the public to support its mission. Their mission is dedicated to protecting, conserving, enhancing and promoting Will County's natural heritage for the educational, recreational and environmental benefit of present and future generations according to reconnectwithnature.org.

Listed below are the following dates for this month's volunteer workdays.
February Volunteer Dates:
Sugar Creek Preserve Workday
Date: Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019
Time: 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Age: All ages; youth are encouraged when accompanied by a parent or guardian
Location: Sugar Creek Preserve, located on Laraway Road, east of Route 53 in Joliet, IL.
Hickory Creek Junction Workday
Date: Sunday, Feb. 17, 2019
Time: 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Age: All ages; youth are encouraged when accompanied by a parent or guardian
Location: Hickory Creek Preserve, located on Route 30/Lincoln Highway, west of Wolf Road in Mokena, IL.
Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve Workday
Date: Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019
Time: 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Age: All ages; youth are encouraged when accompanied by a parent or guardian
Location: Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve, located on Dutton Road, north of Goodenow Road in Beecher, IL.
The winter workdays involve cutting, stacking and hauling away nonnative brush.
Dress for outdoor work and the weather. Wear long pants, closed-toe shoes and work gloves. The Forest Preserve will provide equipment that is needed. Registration is required by calling (815) 722-7364 or emailing rgauchat@fpdwc.org.
Volunteer workdays provide an opportunity for you to contribute to your community, support your local environment, meet fellow nature-lovers, get some fresh air and exercise. Volunteer's are always needed around the Will County area. Anybody can become a volunteer like students, seniors and families. Volunteers generosity allows the Forest Preserve to provide services and programs that would not be possible without their assistance.
For more information on Forest Preserve volunteer opportunities, visit reconnectwithnature.org.
Image Source: reconnectwithnature.org